Our Michigan Divorce Lawyers represent individual in Divorce and related family issues in all counties that are within the State of Michigan including Detroit, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Ann Arbor, Allen Park, Albion, Lincoln Park, Brighton, Howell, Saline, Monroe, Blissfield, Romulus, Southgate, Wyandotte, Livonia, Dearborn, Westland, Lansing, East Lansing, Okemos, Warren, Sterling Heights, Roseville, Eastpointe, Warren, Oak Park, Hillsdale, Inkster, Ferndale, Hazel Park, Whitmore Lake, Plymouth, Farmington, Trenton, Flat Rock, Tecumseh, Clinton, Chelsea, Novi, Garden City, Inkster, Taylor, Livonia, Redford, Southfield, Troy, Northville, South Lyon, Milan, Brooklyn, Melvyndale, Ecorse, Belleville, Canton, Wayne County, Oakland County, Washtenaw County, Monroe County, Macomb County. The information contained herein is not legal advice. Any information you submit to us may not be protected by attorney-client privilege. An attorney responsible for the content of this Site is M. Zaher, Esq., licensed in the State of Michigan with offices at 18551 W. Warren Ave., Detroit, MI. 48228. All or some photos shown depict models and may not be actual attorneys or clients. We are expressly disclaim all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all the contents of this website. We reserve the right , at our sole discretion, to change, suspend, or discontinue all or any part of this website or the content at any time without prior notice or liability.
Southfield Location
24300 Southfield Rd, Ste 210
Southfield, MI. 48075
1(248) 281-6299
Detroit Location
18551 W. Warren
Detroit, MI.. 48228
(313) 982-0010
Web: www.advantalaw.com
Main Line: 1-313-982-0010
Fax : 1-248- 864-8554
Locations: Detroit & Southfield
Parking : Free
Lawyers : Available 7 Days A Week
Monday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Saturday By Appointment
If you or your spouse have made the decision to dissolve your marriage or you are seeking child support from an ex-spouse, it is important to have an advocate by your side that protects your rights as well as the rights of your family

Michigan No-Fault Divorce made breaking up easier to do, passing a no-fault divorce law that stands to reduce long, cutthroat court battles over who’s to blame when marriages fail. So, Infidelity? Mental cruelty? These, along with other fault-based grounds are not applicable in Michigan. The only grounds for dissolving a marriage that you need to show in court called "irreconcilable differences".
Even we have no-fault divorce, our attorneys can help in situations where neither party is at fault for the divorce, division of property can be determine for any number of reasons including Infidelity, mental cruelty and spousal abuse. Some examples of property or debts that may need to be divided include the following:
Real estate;
Motor vehicles;
Recreational vehicles;
Retirement accounts;
Jewelry and valuables;
Personal property;
Business interests;
Mortgage and vehicle loans;
Credit card debt.
The main consideration, when you get divorced in Michigan, is how much you, your spouse & your children need to live on after the divorce. You need to ensure that you each have somewhere to live and that you can support yourselves.
We have helped thousands of people through the divorce process and know exactly how the process works and how to represent you best during this legal process.
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Divorce is almost by definition an antagonistic process, and virtually any aspect of the agreement can cause complications. However, some factors more commonly lead to contested cases than others, including:
Business interests
Prenuptial agreements
Determining spousal support (alimony);
Arranging child custody and visitation;
Children with special needs
Children from a previous marriage
Division of pensions through a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)
Property like real estate, stocks, pensions, art, and antiques
We deeply understand your family law matters, and provide an affordable way to resolve them.
Contested divorce
Uncontested divorce
High net worth divorce
Legal separation
Child custody
Property division
Debt division
Spousal support
Child support
Child visitation
Divorce never easy, but an uncontested divorce can make for less hostility and less time in court, especially if the divorce is handled by an experienced Michigan Uncontested Divorce Attorney. The couple has already agreed upon parameters within the divorce decrees, and they simply must file the paperwork and begin the divorce proceedings. The majority of uncontested divorces have the following characteristics:
No children
No real estate
No joint bank accounts
No assets
No claim for alimony/spousal support/maintenance
No claim for attorneys fees
No claim against any advanced or professional degrees
No claim for health insurance or life insurance
Your Assets During Divorce
Grounds for Divorce
What are the reasons for divorce you can use in Michigan?
How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce in Michigan?
You can trust our established legal team to listen, advise, and aggressively pursue your best interests
Southfield Location
24300 Southfield Rd, Ste 210
Southfield, MI. 48075
Tel: 1 (248) 281-6299
We have successfully represented thousands of clients
Need divorce advice?
Divorce rights
Speak to our divorce attorney to find out where
you stand.
How to divorce
Understand your options for filing for a divorce in Michigan or responding to divorce lawsuit.
Full service
Let one of our experienced lawyers handle your case from start to finish.
Helping families survive when relationships breakdown
You'll find our lawyers are friendly, approachable and knowledgeable
An uncontested divorce in Michigan can take as little as three to four months, however if there are financial matters to resolve or children then the process takes significantly longer, particularly if these matters cannot be agreed on easily.
Agreeing on financial settlements and arrangements for children are often why divorces take longer to conclude.
Other ways in which spouses can keep the divorce process amicable and avoid lengthy court proceedings include using collaborative law or mediation as a way of resolving any financial or children issues.
Divorce Process : Don't Make Costly Mistakes? Let Us help You! We're Affordable
You don’t need a reason such as adultery or abandonment, etc. to get a divorce in Michigan.
Michigan is a no-fault divorce state. This means it is not necessary to prove a spouse’s behavior is the reason for the divorce. In other word, No fault means a breakdown in the marriage to the extent that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed and there remains no reasonable likelihood the marriage can be preserved.
Are Assets Split 50/50 in Michigan Divorce?
If you’re getting divorced, don’t assume that everything will be divided 50:50. It may be the starting point for the courts, but one partner may end up with more, or less, than half. Any property acquired during your marriage will be considered marital (except property acquired by gift or inheritance to only one spouse).
Michigan is an equitable distribution state which means that, in the event of a divorce, marital property is not automatically split 50-50. Rather, equitable distribution is defined as the division of marital assets in a manner that is fair but not necessarily equal.
We can advise on a wide range of divorce & family law matters. It is important to obtain legal advice at the start of proceedings to decide on the best course of action to take.
Save Time, Money & Stress. We're Here For You!
Agreeing how you’re going to care for your kids with your ex partner - including where they will live now you are separated or divorced - can be a minefield. Currently, most family courts in Michigan decide to leave children with their mothers in the vast majority of divorce cases. Also, the family court can decide the arrangements for a child spending time with either parent or keeping in contact with them. We know, however, that court proceedings can be lengthy, expensive and stressful. There are a number of strategies that we can use to help improve the situation without having the court involve.